iPieta Help

iPieta contains many classic Catholic prayers, documents, teachings, and writings, as well as liturgical calendars and hymns. iPieta has many useful features which make it a powerful tool for prayer, research, spiritual reading, and more.

For email support, please contact us at ipieta@iverbum.com.


The Main View




Novus Ordo Calendar

Traditional Calendar





Main View

The lower buttons open tables to access Prayers, the Bible, the Church Calendar, and Doctrinal Works (aka Veritas).

The upper-left buttons shows Shortcut and Language options for the current text. The Shortcuts can also be accessed by swiping from the left edge of the view.

The upper-right buttons are for Searching, Bookmarks, History, and Options which depend upon the current data. The Bookmark table includes notes and highlights; the history table includes textual history and audio history. The Audio History displays an audio controller.

Tap the Forward/Backward arrows in the upper-left to show previous or next. Tap the “+” button in the upper-right to add additional views. Close views with the “X” button. Tap a view to activate.

Shortcuts (top-left button)

Open Shortcuts with the upper-left button, or by swiping from the left edge of the screen.

The top button contains general information about iPieta.

Below that are shortcuts for the Traditional Office and Mass.

Below that are shortcuts for Hymns, Novus Ordo Mass readings, Latin-English Dictionary, and Audio History.

The bottom buttons are for Languages (i.e, what data to use within the app), Settings (including font options), Help, and Contact.

Prayers († button)

The “X” button in the upper-left corner closes the Prayers table. All tables can be closed in this way, or by swiping the table down.

Scroll by category using the index on the right.

View prayers in available languages using the Language (“globe”) button in the upper-left of the table. (To show additional languages, see “Shortcuts” above).

Search for specific content within prayers using the Search bar at the top of the table.

Filter prayers using the Filter bar at the bottom. (Tap the Keyboard button to the right the Filter bar to hide the keyboad and see more results).

Select favorites by hitting the Favorite (“star”) icon for each item in the table. Tap the upper-right Favorite (“star”) button to show only favorites.

Play audio (if available) by tapping the Audio (“speaker”) button next to the prayer.

Bible (A-Ω button)

Tap the Bible button at the bottom of the Main View to disply the Bible Books in an indexed table. Use the index to the right to quickly scroll to any book in the Bible.

You can select a different bible by tapping the upper-left Language (“globe”) button. (To add languages, see “Shortcuts” above).

The filter and search functions are like those for the Prayers table, as described above.

Tapping the table row will open that book in the last-viewed chapter. Tapping the Arrow icon to the right will open another table for all the chapters.

When reading a chapter, you can swipe left to open the next chapter. You can select any chapter from (1) the numbered buttons at the top of the Data View; or (2) the upper Contents (“3-line”) Button.

View commentaries by hitting Options in the upper-right corner of the Main View.

Select a portion of text and choose “Bible Copy” to paste selected verses with a citation. For example: I am the bread of life. (Jn 6:48)

Tap the Options (“ellipsis”) Button in the upper-right of the Main View to view Commentaries for the current passage. If the “Side-by-Side” option is checked, the commentary will appear alongside the main text.


Tap the Calendar Button at the bottom of the Main View.

The buttons at the top of the table include a Toggle for Novus Ordo and Traditio Calendars, Settings (for Novus Ordo only for selecting national calendars and shifting some Solemnities), Year (to display), and Today (selects the current day in the table).

Scroll by month using the index on the right. Votive Masses (for Traditio only) are at the end of the index.

Search for specific days using the Search Bar. (You can hide the keyboard by tapping the Keyboard button).

Tap a row of the calendar table to display the Mass Readings. (For the traditional calendar, the office or Mass propers may be displayed, depending on your last usage.) Tapping the upper-right Options button will show relevant options such as Commentaries, the Lives of the Saints, the Liturgical Year, and links to the Bible. (Note the Side-by-Side option).

Traditional Office and Mass

Go to shortcuts and open the Mass or Divine Office under “Traditio.” You can also select any day from the Traditional Calendar table (see “Calendar” above).

Tap the Mass (“Host”) button in the upper-left of the Main View to view the Mass Readings only, all of the Mass Propers only, the entire Mass with propers and prayers, Solemn High Mass (includes incense prayers and the roles of the deacon), or Solemn High Mass with the opening Sprinkling (or “Asperges”) rite.

Tap the Officium (“book”) button in the upper-left to select one of the hours of the Divine Office.

Select languages with the Language (“globe”) button at the top of the Main View. Use “Select Combinations” to display more than one language at once. Quickly toggle between the last two language combinations used by tapping two fingers in the middle of the screen.

To change the invocation before the final prayer (for the Office only), select “Dominus Vobiscum” (for priest leading in common) or “Domine Exaudi” (for laity, or priest’s private prayer) with the Options (ellipsis) button in the upper-right of the Main View. You can quickly toggle this feature with a three-finger tap in the middle of the screen. (Hint: this gesture works best when the fingers are slightly apart. The same goes for the two-finger tap for languages, mentioned in the above paragraph.)

In both the Office and the Mass, as well as anywhere in iPieta, look up Latin definitions quickly by selecting a word and tapping “Latin” from the options that appear.

Veritas (V button)

Tap the Veritas button at the bottom of the Main View to view the Veritas table. This table includes all data for a given language. View data in other languages by tapping the Language (“globe”) button at the top of the table (as noted above for Prayers and Bible).

As with prayers and Bible, you can select favorite works in Veritas by tapping the Favorite (“star”) icon for each item. You can also filter displayed works as noted above. However, the Search behavior for Veritas is different: Select the works to be searched by tapping the circle icon to the left of each item. Then perform a search in the search bar. To clear all Search Selections, tap the Clear All (“circle with slash”) button on the upper-right. WARNING: Once all search selections are cleared, they must be reselected again manually!

Entire sections (e.g. “Basic,” “Catechesis,” “Church,” etc…) can be selected for search by using the Search (“magnifying glass”) button in the upper-right of the Main View, and selecting the Search Set “Veritas.” See the section on “Search” below.

Tapping a work will open that work at its current chapter. Tapping the Arrow button to the right will open a table of contents for that work. These tables can be searched and filtered, like a regular table. The Contents (3-line) Button at the top of the Main View will also display the contents table for the current work.


Open Shortcuts and select Hymns to open the hymn table. Hymns can also be found under “Basic” in Veritas (look for “iPieta Hymnal.”)

Scroll by theme with the index on the right of the table. Tap the row to view that hymn. You can view the next hymn by swiping left within the view. For audio (if available), tap the Audio (“speaker”) icon to the left of the hymn title in the table. For sheetmusic PDF, tap the PDF (“music note”) icon to the right of the hymn title. Both Audio and PDF’s can also be accessed using the Options (“ellipsis”) menu within the Main View.

Hymns can be filtered and searched just like Prayers and Bible, as noted above. You can find hymns easily by using the filter, as well as by searching for their lyrics, author/composer, meter (such as “”), or tune name (such as “HYFRYDOL”).

Language options

Select language data to be used within the app by going to Shortcuts (top-left button in the Main view). Tap the Language (“globe”) button at the bottom of the shortcuts popover. Select the languages to be used within the app. After this, you can see these languages in the language options that are available for different works, and in the various tables (Prayers, Bible, Veritas). The data for each language varies, so some works will not be available in all languages.

Change the language of the current displayed data with the Language button at the top of the Main View. View data for each language in the tables using the Language button for that table.

Multiple languages can be displayed at once by hitting the Language button at the top of the Main View and choosing “Select Combinations.” (This feature is the same for Traditional Office and Mass, although the languages there are managed separately from the rest of the program).

When multiple languages are displayed (outside Trad Office and Mass), use the Link (“chain”) button in the upper-right of any linked data view to scroll together or separately.


Tap the Search (“magnifying glass”) button in the upper-right of the Main View to open the Search window.

Tap the Resolution (“target”) button in the upper-left of the search window to widen or narrow the scope of the search (e.g. Basic, Douay-Rheims Bible, Gospels, John, John 1). The resolution corresponds to the current work in the data view.

To adjust search parameters, tap the downward-facing triangle to the left of the search bar. The function of each parameter is as follows:

AND: Displays only results that contain ALL of the search terms.

OR: Displays results that contain ANY of the search terms.

Phrase: Displays only results that contain all search terms in a continuous phrase (e.g. “Son of Man”).

Whole Word: If checked, displays only search terms that appear as independent words. If unchecked, includes search terms as parts of longer words (for example: the term “man” would include the search result “many”).

Case Sensitive: If checked, displays only search results that match the case of the search terms (e.g. “Son of Man” would ONLY yield “Son of Man”). If unchecked, displays search results regardless of case (e.g. “Son of Man” would yield “Son of Man” and ALSO “son of man”).

Tap the “+” button in the upper-right to create a custom Search Set. Search Sets are automatically saved and can be selected via the “Sets” button next to the “+” button. The top-middle of the window indicates which set is active. Press the name of the set to edit, rename, or delete that set. The “Veritas” set is built-in for the purpose of searching large sections at once (see “Veritas” above). It cannot be renamed or deleted. The selections made here will reflect the Search Selections in the Veritas table and vice versa.

Tap the keyboard button to hide the keyboard. Scroll quickly with the index on the right.

HINT: Watch your spelling! Some content is written in old English, so certain results may not show for modern English spelling. For example, “Savior” may actually be spelled “Saviour.”


Tap the Bookmark button in the upper-right of the Main View.

Hit the “+” button in the upper-right corner to Add a Bookmark, create a New Note, or create a New Folder.

Use the topmost slider to view Reminders, Highlights, Ordered bookmarks, or Recent bookmarks. In Ordered mode, long press and drag items to rearrange.

Use the second slider to filter bookmarks according to Prayers, the Bible, Doctrinal Works, Notes, Folders, or All.

Use the elipses menu for each entry to Rename, Move to Folder, or Edit Highlight Note.

Folders can be used to store notes, bookmarks, highlights, and other folders. Edit notes by hitting the Note icon to the left of that note.

Open a folder and tap its name at the top of the bookmark window to enter Presentation Mode. Use the forward/backward arrows to move back and forth within the folder. For subfolders, hit the down arrow. Use the Content (“3-line”) menu to see all the content of that folder. Exit Presentation mode with the Close (“x in circle”) button.

Delete bookmarks, notes, and folders by swiping them to the left.


Go to Bookmarks and move the top slider to Reminders.

Hit the “+” button in the upper-right corner to add a Reminder, Daily Reminder, or Reminder Note. Tap to assign the frequency, date, and time for each reminder. To edit notes, tap the Note icon on the left.

Delete reminders by swiping them to the left.


Go to Bookmarks and move the top slider to Highlights.

Use the arrows on the right to expand and collapse individual branches of the highlight tree. Use the buttons on the left to expand all or collapse all within that tree. Tap the title of a work (displayed in red) to show the highlight tree for that work only. This can be expanded and collapsed in the same way as the tree for all highlights. Hit “All Highlights” above to return.

Use the options (ellipsis) to the right of a highlight entry to rename, edit highlight note, or move highlight to folder.

Delete highlights from within the highlight tree by swiping them to the left. You can also delete highlights within the text by tapping them and hitting “Delete.”


Tap History in the upper-right of the Main View.

Use the primary (top) slider to view Textual or Audio History. Use the secondary slider to filter history according to Prayers, Bible, Doctrinal Works, or All.

Select favorites by hitting the Star icon next to each item. Hit the Star button in the upper-right to show only favorites.

Audio History displays entries in black and red. The black entries play the audio file from the beginning. The red entries resume the audio file from where it left off.

Use the Audio Player at the top to play and pause audio, fast forward or rewind by 10 seconds, skip to the next or previous audio file, or look up other audio files in that work.

Audio History can also be accessed via the Shortcuts button in the Main View.


The Option (ellipsis) button in the upper-right corner of the Main View has many uses, depending on the current data.

The top buttons are for Sharing, Font Size, and Font Bigger/Smaller.

The buttons below vary depending on the work. Options for various works include Hide/Show Highlights, Play Audio, Commentaries (for Bible and Mass Readings), Link to USCCB Website (for Novus Ordo Readings only), Butler’s Lives of the Saints, Dom Geuranger’s Liturgical Year, Novus Ordo/Traditio toggle, and PDF (for Hymns). See the other sections of this help page to see what else the Options menu can do.

Check the Side-by-side option to view Commentaries and Liturgical materials alongside the main text.